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PRO-Dental: Probiotics for Oral & Dental Health

There are different reasons for having bad breath.Unpleasant odor from mouth(also called Halitosis) can be sometimes embarrassing and that is why people try to find ways to treat it.Common practices like brushing your teeth and flossing sometimes are not enough.You need to do something more.

PRO-Dental Probiotics is one of the best ways of fighting bad breath.

PRO-Dental Probiotics Overview

Target Bad Breath At Its Source !

The dental probiotic produces an enzyme that helps dissolve and loosen the formation of biofilm and sticky deposits that can eventually lead to problems .

Did you know that when you use mouthwash to prevent bad breath, you kill both the good and bad bacteria? And, did you know that it is up to the good bacteria to keep the odor-causing bacteria in check?

In fact our dental probiotic is often found in healthy mouths yet is deficient in those who suffer from bad breath. This means that the best long-term solution to eradicating bad breath is to repopulate your oral cavity with the good guys found in PRO-Dental.

Maintain Healthy Ears, Nose, Throat, And Sinuses

When your oral microbiome is populated with strong probiotic colonies, you are equipped with natural defenses against common invaders.

PRO-Dental is formulated with targeted probiotic strains to restore the balance of good bacteria and promote oral and upper respiratory health.

Live More Healthy Days

Your mouth is the gatekeeper and the first line of defense when it comes to the microbes that make their way into our bodies. The strains in PRO-Dental are among the most important and beneficial bacteria of the mouth - in fact research shows the probiotic can activate your immune system within just 24 hours!

Advantages of the PRO-Dental Probiotics

1. Chewable Tablets.

Oral Probiotic Strains colonize much easier than digestive probiotic strains since they don’t have to survive your stomach acids to get where they need to be. These strains are meant to reside on the tongue, tonsils, and ear, nose, and throat area so chewing them is the perfect delivery method to cure bad breath.

2. Expect relatively fast results.

Pro-Dental is formulated with the most clinically proven oral probiotic strains and will colonize in your mouth, ear, nose and throat area within 7 days of consistent use.

Manufacturer Info


Hyperbiotics is on the tip of the iceberg when it comes to probiotic research, but one thing they know is that when our body’s natural microbiomes are intact, we both feel and function better!

Questions and Answers

Q : Is this item easy to use

A : I just let it dissolve in my mouth 10 mins before bedtime.

Q :It says chewable. Would it be ok to swallow?

A : Yes you swallow it when you're done chewing. It's a probiotic so it's good for your digestive system also but it's main objective is for the oral cavity and curing bad breath.


"Singing praises! I can't even believe this is all I've ever needed! I have excellent dental hygiene but have dealt with death breath for over 12 years! Buy this now!"- T.Mullins

"This is an amazing product. It has changed my oral hygiene from a negative to a positive due to occassional tonsilstones. No longer chewing gum to have a conversation. Tonsilstones in check. It leaves your breath fresh and the tablets have a pleasant light minty flavor. I appreciate that they are chewable, they dissolve easliy and aren't chalky. Glad I have these now, wish I knew about them sooner."- Marci

"Had never heard of Dental probiotics before but was dealing with swollen gums and occasional bleeding when brushing my teeth even though I take my dental hygiene very seriously so decided to give it a go. In 5 days these tablets solved my problem - so happy about this product."- AMR

It is important you cure your bad breath starting right now...

Because you can't have one more unpleasant and awkward situation caused by halitosis!

fresh breath

If you want to feel that freshness and be confident about your breath ...

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