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How often to clean teeth ?

As a dentist I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked the following question: “Doctor,how often do I need to clean my teeth?”.I will explain everything in this post but first I want to emphasize that proper cleaning of teeth is one of the most important activities you should do to keep your teeth and mouth healthy ! Proper care for your teeth also improves significantly bad breath and even can eliminate it completely!

Now ,straight to the topic.When we talk about cleaning your teeth,you should know we speak about cleaning at home ,and cleaning at the dentist.

1.Brushing and flossing at home

Brushing frequency

A lot of my patients have asked me if there is such a thing as brushing your teeth too often.So…is there?Well the answer is “DEFINITELY YES”!

Brushing your teeth too frequently or with excessive force can damage your tooth structure and wear out the tooth enamel. Here is the explanation- the bristles of your toothbrush are rounded into soft domes.When they are produced that way,they are soft enough to just clean your teeth and not to damage them.However, frequent usage of the toothbrush(like 5-6 times a day,or for more than 3 months) would wear down the bristles and they become jagged and sharp, with serrated edges. When this happens, your toothbrush can then scrape away enamel and dentin from your teeth and this in turn can lead to tooth sensitivity and sometimes to a lot more serious dental problems.

So do you see now? There’s a real reason why dentists and other oral hygiene professionals tell you to change your toothbrush once every three months or whenever the bristles are worn out, whichever comes first!

Proper oral hygiene at home

Now it’s time to determine the right frequency for brushing and cleaning your teeth.First thing to know is - you should clean your teeth two or three times a day with soft bristled brush.You should always do your oral hygiene in the morning right after getting out of bed and in the evening right before going to bed.The third time might be somewhere around noon,for example after eating lunch.

Usually right after you wake up ,people have bad breath.That is a common and normal thing.When you do your morning oral hygiene routine you eliminate that bad breath and start the day fresh !

In a previous post I have mentioned all the things you should use for your hygiene so I am not wasting your time describing them again.I will just mention them quickly : toothbrush and toothpaste,dental floss and mouthwash.

Next, use short, gentle strokes to clean your teeth. Brush the outer surfaces,inner surfaces and the chewing surfaces of your teeth.Don’t forget to clean your tongue too because there are a lot of bacteria there that can cause halitosis(unpleasant odor from mouth)! If you have to clean in between your teeth, then use vertical brush strokes.

You should brush your teeth for at least two minutes at a time. This would ensure that you have adequately removed all the plaque, food residue, and bacteria that may be in your mouth.After brushing rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Lastly, remember to use a floss each night before going to bed to ensure that there is nothing stuck in your teeth.

2.Professional oral hygiene at the dentist

In addition to forming good daily brushing habits, it is also very important to have your teeth professionally cleaned. Professional cleanings are done at your dentist's office by a dental professional. This type of cleaning removes hard deposits on your teeth(calculus) that daily brushing cannot remove. It also helps prevent gum disease.The general rule of thumb is that you should visit your dentist for professional cleaning at least twice a year(once every 6 months).

However the frequency depends on different factors.For example if your gums are healthy and you follow a sound oral hygiene program, you may not need to have your teeth cleaned every six months, or even every year. I’ve had patients who take such good care of their gums and teeth that they could go two years or more without needing a cleaning.

So the best way to know how often you should clean your teeth at the dental office is to go to your dentist and then after doing a check up and evaluating different factors he/she can create an individual oral hygiene program for you.

Nevertheless,even if your teeth do not need cleaning every 6 months, I strongly recommend that people go twice a year for regular dental check ups!The reason behind this is that your dentist or dental hygienist can also reveal early signs of problems that are much more serious than plaque. During a cleaning or exam, it’s easy to spot signs of oral cancer, new cavities, receding gums, and even signs of other medical problems.For example-since gum disease is linked to cardiovascular disease, catching it as early as possible can even lower your risk of heart attack and stroke.

It is a good idea to ask your dentist to check the depth of your teeth pockets every 6 months too because having an abnormally deep pocket is one of the signs of gum or periodontal disease.

Doing a professional oral hygiene is actually a very pleasant procedure .Some of my patients says that it is like “dental SPA”.

What appliances do dentists/hygienists use for professional cleaning ?

Most of the times the appliances for your professional hygiene include :

1.Ultrasonic scalers(cleaners)-these are instruments that vibrate with ultrasonic frequency and when they touch dental calculus(the hard substance that forms on your teeth),they break it into pieces and that way it is removed from your teeth.

2.Air polishers-this is an appliance that sprays a mixture of air,water and special powder.When the spray hits your teeth it removes stains and polishes the teeth perfectly ! It is very suitable for smokers or people who drink a lot of coffee.

3.Brushes and pastes-at the end of your visit the dentist can polish your teeth with brushes and polishing pastes.This gives your teeth a really good polish and become very glossy.

After your professional hygiene appointment you should feel your mouth fresh and your teeth smooth and perfectly clean.


Brushing twice a day and going to the dentist at least every six months is one of the best remedies for bad breath.It can highly increase your overall health status as well.So if you haven’t done a professional cleaning or just a regular check-up in the last year I highly recommend you schedule an appointment first thing in the morning.Remember- Cleaning your teeth both at home and at the dental office is the foundation of a healthy teeth,mouth,smile and better life!

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