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6 steps to improve your oral hygiene and start fighting bad breath:

Smelly breath can have many causes, but is often caused by bacteria that can grow in the mouth when food particles are allowed to remain too long. Plaque(the sticky substance which forms on your teeth) is a product of these bacteria and any remaining food particles.

Taking care of your teeth by brushing at least twice daily and flossing at least once, is essential for preventing bacteria from growing.

Here are 6 steps you can follow to improve your oral hygiene and start fighting bad breath:

1.Use a toothbrush with toothpaste twice a day-This is the main way to clean your teeth from plaque and food remnants.Using these means before bed time and in the morning will reduce the plaque on your teeth and this way will improve your breath.Switching to an electric toothbrush,especially sonic toothbrush,will significantly improve the quality of your oral hygiene.

2.Use a dental floss-Using a dental floss is the only way to remove plaque and food debris between teeth.Often times the reason for bad breath is that people can’t remove the food stuck between their teeth efficiently.

3.Clean your tongue-Clean the surface of your tongue every day.You can use professional tongue cleaner or your normal toothbrush as well.By using them you remove countless bacteria that otherwise live on the surface of your tongue. These can contribute to bad breath (halitosis) and negatively affect your dental health.

4.Use an antiseptic mouthwash-after brushing your teeth and using the dental floss,the best thing you can do is to use a mouthwash that kills the bad bacteria in your mouth and reduces plaque formation on your teeth.As I said before,dental plaque can be one of the main reasons for bad mouth odor.

5.Some foods-There are some foods that you can eat to improve your oral hygiene.Such foods are : Apples and carrots.Those foods are rich in fibers and they clean your teeth as you eat them .In fact all kinds of raw vegetables are good for your oral hygiene.

6.See your dentist regularly-Be sure to schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings. Your dentist and hygienist will help you keep your teeth clean and your gums healthy .

Remember, preventive care and maintenance are just as important for a healthy mouth as good daily oral hygiene!!!

These ways for cleaning your teeth most probably will help you with your fight with bad breath,but they might not be enough.If you want to supplement them and eliminate your bad breath I recommend you check my PRO-Dental Probiotic review!

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